badminton feet landing non dominant feet

badminton feet landing non dominant feet

This study was aimed to analyze the foot posture index and plantar pressure characteristics of fifteen badminton players and fifteen controls. The hypothesis was that people with the habit of playing badminton would be significantly different with nonplaying people in human foot posture index, 3D foot surface data, and plantar pressure distribution. Nine regions of plantar pressure level were measured by using the EMED strength platform, and badminton players showed significantly higher peak pressure in the hallux ( ), medial heel ( ), and lateral heel ( ) and force-time integral in the hallux ( ), medial heel ( ), and lateral heel ( ). There is no asymmetrical plantar force per unit area distribution between the left foot and the correct foot of players. The mean foot posture index values of male and female badminton players are v.2 ± 1.95 and v.7 ± 1.15, respectively, and comparatively, those values of male and female controls are one.5 ± ane.73 and ± 4.16, respectively. This study shows that significant differences in morphology betwixt people with the habit of playing badminton and people without that addiction could exist taken as a factor for a future study in locomotion biomechanics characteristics and foot shape of badminton players and in a footwear blueprint in order to reduce injury risks.

one. Introduction

Badminton attracted extensive participation when it was introduced to the Barcelona Summertime Games in 1992 [1]. With the prevalence of badminton, the International Badminton Federation reported that at that place were virtually 200 million people playing badminton around the globe [2]. Due to piece of cake learning rules, low-cost equipment, and small-scale playing court, badminton appeals participants of dissimilar ages, economic conditions, and physical capabilities [3]. Long-time badminton sport will cause a serial of biological adaption and modifications to the motor organization.

Long-time badminton sport has adaptive influence on the foot. Biological adaptation is a feature of phenotypic characteristics of organisms adapting to the selection requirement of the environment. According to the features of sports, biological adaptive modifications tin be short term or long term, which indicates adaptive modifications on all body levels require complicated efforts. High-level sports performance is based on the biological adaptation caste of the body. The continuous improvement of sport level is the footing of physiological support [4]. Previous studies showed that different foot shapes have different human foot functions. Although presenting the same anatomical features, homo foot has various shapes and biomechanical characteristics [5–vii]. Players of different races and different sports levels have unlike plantar pressures, pes shapes, and pes functions [8]. Previous studies have shown that past understanding the characteristics of foot force per unit area distribution, information technology is possible to effectively optimize technical movements, reduce foot injuries, and better the blueprint of special shoes [9]. A report indicated that when professional badminton players finish competitions, stress gathers in their Achilles tendon and anterior knee tendons, especially in the dominant lunge leg [10]. High plantar pressure serves as an implicit causation of sports injuries to lower limbs [11]. As a issue, recognizing the impact forces and features of plantar pressure distribution would contribute to finding the preseasons of sports injuries.

Dissimilar sports accept different technical posture features, which may result in certain pes shape comparing to other foot shapes. The pes posture alphabetize (FPI), as an effective measurement for the quantization of standing foot posture, is relatively simple and fast to determine foot posture [12, thirteen]. FPI values of special postures in dissimilar sports are unlike [14]. Previous studies showed that FPI values of a runner, basketball role player, and handball histrion are significantly different, mainly caused by talar caput position and talonavicular [15]. The FPI index of basketball players in dissimilar positions is related to lower limb injuries. After running for a long fourth dimension, pes posture and plantar pressure overall decrease in summit and mean plantar force per unit area was revealed. The FPI value will exist different during sport with higher intensity [sixteen]. In the field of badminton study, there are few studies about FPI and foot shape. Sports injuries may be reduced when designers pattern shoes according to different pes shapes [17, 18].

However, badminton players are rarely taken as the written report participant. This report recruited 15 badminton players and 15 normal people equally the control. In the meantime, data of kinetics and foot shape of the 30 participants are collected, aiming to find the characteristics of kinetics and foot shape. The hypothesis is that badminton players will be significantly unlike from controls in plantar pressure level-based foot morphology and posture characteristics.

two. Methods

2.i. Participants

A total of 30 participants, including 15 badminton players and 15 controls, participated in the experiment canonical by the local ideals commission. The participants signed a consent form and were told well-nigh the requirements and procedures before the experiment. Badminton players take several years of badminton exercising or playing habits and play more than one hour every time. Controls do not take badminton practise habits. In the by half twelvemonth, participants do not have whatsoever injuries in both upper and lower limbs. Their basic demographics are shown in Tabular array ane.

Badminton players Normal players
Male person Female person Male Female

Age (years) 22 ± two.eight 21 ± 1.0 24 ± one.2 23 ± 1.0
Weight (kg) 69.8 ± half dozen.5 51.vii ± 2.9 67 ± 6.1 61 ± 12.1
Elevation (m) 175 ± 4.5 162 ± ii.nine 173 ± 4.1 163 ± 6.4
BMI (kg/m2) 21.66 ± 1.38 19.75 ± 0.39 21.99 ± one.46 twenty.58 ± ane.29
Badminton feel (years) 5.v ± 2.viii 6 ± 0 0 0

Note: mean ± standard deviation; BMI—trunk mass index.

2.2. Design and Procedures
2.two.1. Plantar Force per unit area Measurements

An EMED pressure platform was used to record plantar force per unit area at 50 Hz (Novel, Deutschland). The platform was placed on the ground at the center of an 8-meter walkway. The participants were trained to walk and run on the platform earlier the test, and then every participant was required to walk and run on the platform five times. Every participant started walking and running approximately 5 steps before contacting the platform and contacted the platform at the sixth steps, and so continued to walk and run. All tests were supervised, using a timer to test the time during a certain distance and calculate the average speed of every subject in each trial, and then the date will not be used if the average speed in the trial deviates over ±5% from the sure walking and running speeds. Participants would be asked to practise the chore one more time. The plantar pressure of every participant was recorded more than five times, and the averaged value was used for analysis. After data drove, meridian force per unit area, contact area, and pressure fourth dimension integral were obtained from the plantar pressure measurement system. The footprint was divided into 9 anatomical segments (Figure 1): hallux (H), other toes (OT), first metatarsal (M1), 2nd and fourth metatarsals (M24), 5th metatarsal (M5), medial midfoot (MM), lateral midfoot (LM), medial heel (MH), and lateral heel (LH).

ii.iii. Foot Posture Index

Foot posture alphabetize (FPI), as a clinical tool, can quantify the angle a foot can be pronated and supinated to [13, 19]. This is a relatively piece of cake, fast, and reliable method [xx]. The FPI was assessed in standing using the original protocol with the six items [12]: (one) talar head palpation, (2) curvature at the lateral malleoli, (three) inversion/eversion of the calcaneus, (iv) talonavicular bulging, (five) congruence of the medical longitudinal arch, and (6) abduction/adduction of the forefoot on the rearfoot (Figure two). Each item was scored on a scale of −2, −1, 0, +1, and +two (0 for neutral, −ii for clear signs of supination, and +two for clear signs of pronation), and all scores were summed. The final score ranged from −12 to +12; a larger positive value ways a more pronated foot. There are no pregnant differences in the FPI between the right foot and the left human foot in asymptomatic individuals [21]. The FPI values and the plantar pressures but used the right human foot measurements to avert breaching assumptions of statistical independence in bilateral limb studies [22]. The FPI was evaluated by an experienced professional who did non know the purposes of the study and the participant identity and only sees the foot and 10 cm of the shank [23].

The BMI (body mass index) means the trunk weight (kg) divided by the squared body height (mtwo). The World Health Organization (WHO) regards BMI values between 18.5 and 23.nine as normal, values below xviii.5 every bit underweight, and values over thirty as obese. See Table one. As all participants' BMI were in the normal range, the pes shape changes due to different body weights or load-bearing conditions and dissimilar stature tin exist negligible begetting their own body weight [24, 25].

ii.4. Statistical Analyses

The normality of variables in this experiment was checked before statistical assay. An independent sampled -test was used for the peak pressure, contact area pressure time integral, and FPI data analysis. The upshot size was calculated according to Cohen's used for comparing the differences in the mean value of the two groups. The statistical power of the analysis was calculated using NCSS-PASS xvi.0 software (Table two). We established new variables on the basis of the foot morphological values measured and did not consider participants' weight. Nosotros created new variables of length, width, ball, waist girth, and curt heel to compare the athlete pes with the normal foot morphological characteristics. Shortly, the new variables were obtained using the formulae every bit follows: (i) Ratio: length/width (2) Ratio: brawl/waist girth (iii) Ratio: brusque heel/length (4) Ratio: brusque heel/width

Elevation force per unit area Contact area Strength-time integral
Walk Run Walk Run Walk Run
Consequence size Power Effect size Ability Issue size Ability Effect size Power Effect size Power Result size Power

H 0.52 0.84 0.23 0.8 0.21 0.8 0.31 0.8 0.64 0.88 0.29 0.81
OT 0.4 0.82 0.42 0.81 0.19 0.8 0.28 0.81 0.28 0.8 0.61 0.85
M1 0.37 0.82 0.31 0.81 0.18 0.8 0.83 0.93 0.31 0.81 0.37 0.82
M24 0.18 0.8 0.07 0.8 0.01 0.8 0.08 0.viii 0.21 0.eight 0.07 0.8
M5 0.22 0.81 0.three 0.81 0.32 0.81 0.28 0.8 0.six 0.83 0.26 0.81
MM 0.12 0.eight 0.02 0.8 0.2 0.8 0.08 0.viii 0.07 0.viii 0.ane 0.8
LM 0.09 0.8 0.48 0.83 0.06 0.8 0.16 0.8 0.09 0.eight 0.03 0.8
MH 0.44 0.81 0.53 0.8 0.26 0.eight 0.thirteen 0.8 0.42 0.82 0.34 0.8
LH 0.44 0.81 0.29 0.8 0.24 0.8 0.18 0.8 0.41 0.81 0.16 0.viii

All statistical analyses were carried out by using SPSS 17.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, The states) with significance level settings at .

three. Results

For the plantar force per unit area, the mean and standard deviation (SD) values of foot loading distribution characteristics are shown in Effigy 2 (peak force per unit area), Figure 3 (contact expanse), and Figure 4 (force-time integral) for every anatomical part. The acronyms MH, LH, MM, LM, M1, M24, M5, H, and OT stand for the medial heel, lateral heel, medial midfoot, lateral midfoot, first metatarsal head, second and fourth metatarsal heads, fifth metatarsal head, hallux, and other toes of badminton players and normal people.

Figure 2 displays the mean (SD) values of peak pressure in badminton players and in those without the habit. During walking tests, the significance values ( ) of nine anatomical parts are 0.003 (H), 0.021 (OT), 0.047 (M1), 0.394 (M24), 0.217 (M5), 0.375 (MM), 0.887 (LM), 0.016 (MH), and 0.021 (LH) with college variance exhibited in H, OT, M1, MH, and LH. During running tests, the significance values ( ) of nine anatomical parts are 0.136 (H), 0.014 (OT), 0.104 (M1), 0.932 (M24), 0.132 (M5), 0.963 (MM), 0.047 (LM), 0.006 (MH), and 0.036 (LH). Peak pressures in the forefoot and rearfoot of badminton players are significantly larger than those of people without that habit. In Figure three, the contact areas are depicted. When the participants are walking, the significance values ( ) from contained sampled -tests are 0.034 (H), 0.392 (OT), 0.664 (M1), 0.976 (M24), 0.133 (M5), 0.502 (MM), 0.983 (LM), 0.318 (MH), and 0.138 (LH). Professional and amateur players show significant differences only in the hallux during the walking test, and the differences in other toes are not obvious. When the participants are running, the significance values ( ) are 0.042 (H), 0.076 (OT), 0.000 (M1), 0.773 (M24), 0.114 (M5), 0.940 (MM), 0.443 (LM), 0.114 (MH), and 0.074 (LH). Significant differences in the contact area between professional players and apprentice players appear in the within of the forefoot during the walking test. In Figure iv, the force-time integrals (impulse) are illustrated. When the participants are walking, the significance value ( ) are 0.002 (H), 0.095 (OT), 0.138 (M1), 0.178 (M24), 0.002 (M5), 0.562 (MM), 0.683 (LM), 0.026 (MH), and 0.015 (LH). The force-fourth dimension integrals to H, M5, MH, and LH of badminton players are significantly larger than those of controls. When the participants are running, the significance values ( ) are 0.061 (H), 0.001 (OT), 0.085 (M1), 0.650 (M24), 0.279 (M5), 0.653 (MM), 0.518 (LM), 0.079 (MH), and 0.299 (LH).

30 participants include xv people with the habit of playing badminton and 15 people without the habit of playing badminton. The mean FPI values of males and females with the habit of playing badminton are 5.2 ± 1.95 and 5.vii ± ane.fifteen, respectively, and that of males and females without the habit of playing badminton are 1.5 ± i.73 and 1.7 ± iv.xvi, respectively. No mean differences in the FPI were shown between the right foot and the left foot. The mean FPI of the study group are displayed in Table 3.

Habitual players Normal players
Male Female Male person Female

FPI 5.2 ± 1.95 5.vii ± ane.15 1.5 ± 1.73 ane.7 ± 4.sixteen
L/W ratio two.3 ± 0.26 2.two ± 0.22 2.2 ± 0.32 2.1 ± 0.10
B/W G ratio 1.0 ± 0.09 1.0 ± 0.02 1.0 ± 0.02 1.0 ± 0.01
Southward H/L ratio i.3 ± 0.04 1.3 ± 0.06 1.3 ± 0.04 1.iii ± 0.04
S H/West ratio ii.9 ± 0.30 two.eight ± 0.26 two.7 ± 0.37 2.6 ± 0.13

Notation: values are presented every bit the mean ± standard deviation. 50/W ratio, length/width; B/West K ratio, brawl/waist girth; S H/L ratio, short hell/length; S H/W ratio, short hell/width.

4. Discussion

The purpose of this written report was to identify that biological adaptation in people without the habit of playing badminton volition be significantly different from people having the habit of playing badminton in plantar force per unit area and kinematics. The experimental results support this hypothesis. The characteristics of plantar pressure distribution and that of foot shape are significantly different between people with many years of badminton playing habit and those without that habit when they walk and run. These parameters should be considered in future sports intervention and sports equipment design.

Long-fourth dimension sport tin ameliorate physical activity level, and supercompensation theory and adaptation theory have explained the changes of people'south sports ability when preparation [26]. Reports said that inquiry on the plantar pressure of athletes may optimize technology, promote footwear design, and reduce the risk of foot injuries [27]. Therefore, the information of plantar pressure in walking and running are collected and analyzed. In terms of plantar pressure distribution, peak pressures of H, OT, M1, MH, and LH of badminton players are significantly college than controls in walking. These features are related to the habit of landing on the assurance of their anxiety when people play badminton. The contact expanse and force-fourth dimension integral of H prove a marked departure, demonstrating that the metatarsal caput and lateral heel are areas with the highest pressure; thus, different areas of outsoles need different materials for dispersing pressure [28].

In bodily badminton sports movement, the in-shoe height plantar pressures in left- and correct-frontward lunges were investigated [29]. Thus, differences in the plantar pressures amongst lunges of different directions may be latent risks for badminton players to sustain injuries to their lower extremities [thirty]. This research probed into plantar pressure distribution of different areas of both the right human foot and the left foot of badminton players and controls when they are walking and running. The analysis of plantar pressure level of the right and left feet shows that there is no significant difference between them, which is in accord with the analysis of muscle force around the ankle; that is, the departure in the bilateral antagonist muscle ratio is caused past the difference in force using the method instead of that in bilateral muscle forcefulness [31].

Results prove the correlation between FPI and plantar force per unit area [32]. Many researches have estimated the pressure distribution of flatfeet, and some of them aimed at identifying the normal value [33]. Therefore, the FPI is a more intuitive and reliable index for selecting athletes. Results of our enquiry show that the mean FPI values of males and females with the habit of playing badminton are v.2 ± 1.95 and 5.7 ± 1.15, respectively, and that of males and females without the habit of playing badminton are 1.5 ± 1.73 and ± 4.16, respectively.

Fatigue caused past sports will atomic number 82 to changes in the plantar pressure. Changes in human foot posture afterward running were studied and combined with the plantar pressure model, indicating that heel strike posture during running is related to plantar force per unit area distribution. The investigation tin can assistance empathise foot part, prevent sport-related injury, and pattern effective foot type orthodontic appliance [34, 35]. This method was rarely used in badminton research before. In the futurity, changes in the foot posture alphabetize after playing badminton tin be taken equally a factor to report the biological adaptation of foot function of badminton players subsequently long-term badminton sports.

The foot shape index is used to evaluate foot function and footwear design. In general, length, width, and height are regarded every bit the standards to examination whether the footwear is fit to the foot [36, 37]. However, owing to that foot height is non directly related to pes length, the method of grading shoes by increasing height or scaling according to pes length is undesirable [24, 25]. Common indexes of the footwear design are foot length, heel width, forefoot width, and midfoot width. The research aimed at providing reference indexes for a badminton footwear design by setting specific ratios according to foot shape features. Results show that there is no significant deviation in foot shape between people with many years of badminton playing habit and those without that habit, only data of this research, combined with information of plantar pressure distribution and FPI, can be taken as reference indexes for footwear design. Farther research can use the curvation index as the reference alphabetize. Findings show that the arch index and plantar pressure characteristics of badminton players were unremarkably categorized as high-arched supinator [38]. In a time to come study, the changes of FPI values when performing special movements to sure intensity in a badminton sport can be used to analyze the cause of sports injuries.

In conclusion, this inquiry studied that people having the habit of playing badminton will be significantly different from people without the habit of playing badminton in plantar pressure level and kinematics. According to the departure in plantar pressure level distribution and foot shape characteristic through this research, top pressures of H, OT, M1, MH, and LH of badminton players are significantly higher than controls in walking and running. The combination of FPI and foot shape alphabetize may provide implications for the instruction of apprentice players, designing sports equipment, improving sports technologies, and reducing sport-related injuries.

Data Availability

The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable asking.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that there is no conflict of involvement regarding the publication of this paper.


The study was sponsored by the National Natural Scientific discipline Foundation of China (81301600), Badminton World Federation Research Grants, and K.C. Wong Magna Fund in Ningbo University.

Copyright © 2019 Ping Huang et al. This is an open admission article distributed under the Creative Eatables Attribution License, which permits unrestricted apply, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

badminton feet landing non dominant feet

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