how to wrap badminton racket grip

how to wrap badminton racket grip

Badminton Grips – there'southward loads to choose from, what are the key things to wait for when choosing?

Types of Grip:

a. Full grip / Replacement grip

b. Towel grip

c. Overgrip

What size of grip practice yous need?

What style of player y'all are?

What level of tackyness/dryness grip practise you need?

Applying new grip to a racket

Another aspect to look for is on all our Badminton Grip production pages, where we have 2 bars. i for durability, highlighting how long to expect the grip to last earlier needing replacement and stickyness, which is how much the grip itself holds to the peel of the paw when playing.

As a full general guide see the grid below:

Grip Type

Grip Size Wanted

Tackyness / Dryness

Full Grip

Medium to 10-Large (G3-G1)

Suits Normal Sweat Level Players

Towel Grip

Medium to X-Big (G3-G1)

Suits Sweaty Players


X-Minor to Small (G4-G5)

Suits Lower Level Sweat Players

What Blazon of Grips are there:

a. Full Grip:

This is used past players who generally just want 1 major grip on their racket. It'southward usually fitted directly from the wood of the handle.

Typically this grip is fabricated from PU or Polyurethane. This kind of grip deportment as both a tacky loftier grip and with cushioning between your fingers on the handle, providing extra daze absorbion.

b. Towel Grip:

Like a total grip its commonly used for players only wanting i major grip on their dissonance, it's also the thickest of the iii types of badminton grip. Towel grip is designed for players who's hands get especially sweaty during play and discover the other styles of grip become loose because they're not designed to blot the sweat.

Delight note, if you intend to purchase towel grip, yous will desire to also buy grip powder.

Towel Grip is typically made of cotton

c. Overgrip:
Used in 2 ways by players. Firstly, its a much thinner grip than the other 2 versions. Some players prefer overgrip on it'southward ain, to enable a small racket grip for racket manoeuvrability when playing, nonetheless most players use overgrip as it's original intention, which is to go over a traditional full grip and thicken the size of the dissonance handle.

Typically badminton overgrip is designed to exist specially tacky and viscous. It's also generally the cheapest grip available, and is used by many of the summit players to tweak how they like to concord their badminton noise.

Commonly an overgrip wrapped on a wood surface of the handle by itself is considered too sparse for players.

What Mode of Histrion you lot are?

Ability Attacking – Usually suits a thicker grip, equally players with this way generally concord their noise handles tighter to force powerful shots

Speed, Command & Charade – Players with this style will prefer a thinner grip to enhance command over the racket head for quick changes of racket head position. Information technology as well enables a quicker changing of grip from forehand to backhand.

For a further breakdown, run across the table below:

Ability Attacking Style

Shots Played

Leap Smash, Drives, Attacking Overhead Shots, Cyberspace Push

Grip Size

Thicker Grips and so you can hold the handle tightly for big smashes

Grip Weight

For more power you'll desire the dissonance caput to be heavier than racket handle, enabling more momentum in the swing

Suggested Setups

- Original Racket Grip + Towel Overgrip

- Original Dissonance Grip + Full Noise Grip

- For bigger hands – Original Racket Grip + Full Racket Grip + Overgrip

Speed, Control & Deception Playing Style

Shots Played

Drop Shots, Net Play, Deceptive Shots, Overhead Clears

Grip Size

Thinner Grips for finger flexibility & accuracy of technique

Grip Weight

For more control you'll want the racket handle to exist heavier than racket caput.

Suggested Setups

- Original Racket Grip + Overgrip

- Towel Grip merely

- For bigger hands – Original Noise Grip + Full Racket Grip

What size of Badminton Grip do you need?

A pocket-sized badminton grip volition provide greater control, whilst typically speaking a bigger grip volition allow the player more ability. This is obviously subjective co-ordinate to the size of the players manus themselves.

It's important to remember you can layer upwardly your handle to the desired grip size as much as you want. You can also purchase grip cushioning to layer upwards the whole grip or sure areas. For example a number of players tweak the stop of their grips to be much wider for extra overhead shot power and control with the pinkie.

Below are the various grip sizes used by players. Typically Noise grip sizes are G4 and G5, as grips can always be layered up to be bigger.

Grip Size

Racket Grip Size

Histrion Size

Size in mm

X-Modest Grip




Small Grip


Teenager/Smaller Thespian


Medium Grip


Average Sized Thespian


Large Grip


Large Player


X-Big Grip


Very Larger Actor


What level of tackyness/dryness grip practice yous demand?

This is very subjective, and downwardly to personal preference.

Other Tips and Advice

- Remember grips need regular replacement, endeavour and go a grip setup in place, where yous just take to replace the outer layer, otherwise it can become more costly

- Try multiple sizes of grips to see what'southward right for you

- Not all players are the same, in that location's even some pinnacle pros that grip right up to the centre of the dissonance stem!

- Run into video below demonstrating how to have the correct noise grip for badminton:

- Run across video below for how to grip your Badminton Grip properly:
https://world wide

how to wrap badminton racket grip

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